Returns and Refunds policy

When you receive your order from us, you have 14 days to perform an exchange or get a full refund. Contact

How do I return an item for a refund or exchange?

We deal with every return personally. If you wish to return an order, please contact

In your email make sure you tell us:

  • Your order number
  • Which item(s) you wish to return
  • The reason for returning the items
  • Want an exchange? Tell us what you'd like to replace your item with
  • Or let us know if you want a full product refund

Please keep in mind:

  • You will not be entitled to a refund if the goods you have ordered are personalised or bespoke to your specification, unless the goods we have supplied to you are faulty or not as described on our website.
  • Allow 3-5 working days once the goods have reached us to process your return.
  • Any returns requests received after 14 days will not be processed.
  • All refunds will be credited back to the original payment method used to place the order.
  • Customers are accountable for return shipping charges. Goods are the customer's responsibility until they arrive with our customer service team. Customers are obligated to use shipping method with tracking number.

How do I return an incorrect or faulty item?

If you believe the goods to be incorrect or faulty, please email and include clear images of the item(s).